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/ Cream of the Crop 1 / Cream of the Crop 1.iso / UTILITY / DO1002.ARJ / EDITOR.CMD < prev    next >
OS/2 REXX Batch file  |  1988-08-25  |  3KB  |  56 lines

  1.     The following table presents the available commands:
  3.     FUNCTION                           KEYSTROKES
  4.     ================================== =================================
  5.     Character left                     <Ctrl-S> or <Left Arrow>
  6.     Character right                    <Ctrl-D> or <Right Arrow>
  7.     Word left                          <Ctrl-A> or <Ctrl-Left Arrow>
  8.     Word right                         <Ctrl-F> or <Ctrl-Right Arrow>
  9.     Line up                            <Ctrl-E> or <Up Arrow>
  10.     Line down                          <Ctrl-X> or <Down Arrow>
  11.     Scroll up                          <Ctrl-W>
  12.     Scroll down                        <Ctrl-Z>
  13.     Page up                            <Ctrl-R> or <PgUp>
  14.     Page down                          <Ctrl-C> or <PgDn>
  15.     Beginning of file                  <Ctrl-Q> R or <Ctrl-PgUp>
  16.     End of file                        <Ctrl-Q> C or <Ctrl-PgDn>
  17.     Beginning of line                  <Ctrl-Q> S or <Home>
  18.     End of line                        <Ctrl-Q> D or <End>
  19.     Top of screen                      <Ctrl-Q> E or <Ctrl-Home>
  20.     Bottom of screen                   <Ctrl-Q> X or <Ctrl-End>
  21.     Top of block                       <Ctrl-Q> B
  22.     Bottom of block                    <Ctrl-Q> K
  23.     Jump to marker 0..3                <Ctrl-Q> 0..<Ctrl-Q> 3
  24.     Set market 0..3                    <Ctrl-K> 0..<Ctrl-K> 3
  25.     Previous cursor position           <Ctrl-Q> P
  26.     New line                           <Ctrl-M> or <Enter>
  27.     Insert line                        <Ctrl-N>
  28.     Insert control character           <Ctrl-P> {character}
  29.     Tab                                <Ctrl-I> or <Tab>
  30.     Delete current character           <Ctrl-G> or <Del>
  31.     Delete character left              <Ctrl-H> or <Backspace>
  32.     Delete word                        <Ctrl-T>
  33.     Delete to end of line              <Ctrl-Q> Y
  34.     Delete line                        <Ctrl-Y>
  35.     Find                               <Ctrl-Q> F
  36.     Find-and-replace                   <Ctrl-Q> A
  37.     Find next                          <Ctrl-L>
  38.     Begin block                        <Ctrl-K> B or <F7>
  39.     End block                          <Ctrl-K> K or <F8>
  40.     Copy block                         <Ctrl-K> C
  41.     Move block                         <Ctrl-K> V
  42.     Delete block                       <Ctrl-K> Y
  43.     Hide block                         <Ctrl-K> H
  44.     Mark current word as block         <Ctrl-K> T
  45.     Read block from file               <Ctrl-K> R
  46.     Write block to file                <Ctrl-K> W
  47.     Print block                        <Ctrl-K> P
  48.     Toggle insert mode                 <Ctrl-V> or <Ins>
  49.     Toggle autoindent mode             <Ctrl-O> I
  50.     Toggle fixed tabs                  <Ctrl-O> T
  51.     Restore Line                       <Ctrl-Q> L
  52.     Exit editor (save file)            <Ctrl-K> D or <Alt-X> or <F10>
  53.     Quit editor (no save)              <Ctrl-K> Q
  55.     Enter start- & end-parameter
  56.     symbols (/E, /R only)              <F1>